Thursday, February 4, 2010

Let's inpire and be inspired :)

Hey, I'm back ! And I'm no longer sick! Yayy! I admit it is a rather bad start to a new year, but I thank God that it didn't last long. Phew!

Now back to business (ahem!). I am excited for this year! I don't really know why. It's like I have so many,many plans in my head that I'm going to put together this year. I promised myself that this year is gonna be different. It's gonna be a year of actions *crosses fingers* This is what I posted on my Facebook status for New Year :

Amydzweina Almohtar 1 more day. 2010 will be all about giving back and paying it forward, to inspire and be inspired, also to live each day like your last.Of course, easier said than done but small steps does come a long way .Need to have more faith in people (and myself) too. Carpe diem!

Yeap, it's gonna be all about giving back, pay forward, inspire and be inspired and live each day like it's your last. For a start, these are some of the things I planned generally for this year:
1) Gather my siblings, nieces and nephews and pay a visit to one of the orphanage in Kuching. At the same time, collect items to be donated as well. Why this?
'Cos I'm naturally compassionate? Hehe. No-lah, but compassion is one of the main trait that a Pisces has okay? Serious :) The thing is, I grew up in an environment where I can afford to ask for luxury. I went to the best school, enrolled in the best tuition centres, took up music lessons, dined at the best hotels, had great vacations, had designer watches, bags, when kids my age at that time had average living status. And then, there were some who barely make it to school at all because of financial issues. So I had this thought, if I ever make a living one day, I will help those unfortunate families. Bring sunshine back to their life. You know, yadda yadda. So this is why.

2) Do more travelling. At least 2 trips a year, 1 in the first half of the year and the other, in the latter half. Sounds good? I guess I need some fun myself. Makes me happier :) It has been years since I did something for myself.

3) Learn some water sports. Andddd, I'm seriously thinking of jet-skiing. Hahaa.. They look cool! Seriously!! AND, I gotta learn swimming as well. I knew how to swim when I was younger. Cos my dad would bring me and my brother to the Sarawak Club every evening when we were little and taught us swimming. Oh, those were the days..

4) Save more money for my wedding :)))

These are some of the many mannnyyy things that are on my 2010 to-do list. The main theme will be to inspire and be inspired. Will add on more as they come across my thought, definitely. Ciao!


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