Sunday, August 12, 2012

raya purchases

Went for Raya shopping today after receiving call from Mak this morning, which means basically I went out for errands on her to-do and to-buy lists. 

She wanted me to buy some Raya biscuits for our relatives in our kampung and some for ourselves, so I bought a few containers of assorted biscuits. I aimed for yummy ones like Nestum-based, chocolate-based and also some colourful ones (yeah, as if I am the one who's gonna eat them ya).  Decided to grab more colourful ones because I feel like this Raya is gonna be a little merrier than normal ('cos I'm backkkk, hahaha).  

The traffic was not as bad as I thought it would be, but finding a car park was beyond average patience. People were swarming about the whole shopping complex, leaving little room to walk through. Thank God my to-buy lists doesn't involve home appliances/decoration items and Raya baju, otherwise I think Mister won't be speaking to me for the rest of the day. 

So what I got for the day were the biscuits, mine and Mak's brooches (mur-mur jer), Papa's baju Melayu studs, ALSO some chiffon scarves and inner for myself (they were so beautiful, I hope this will be something additional to motivate me to berhijab), a vintage bracelet and a kebaya for yours truly.  Finally got myself a decent kebaya, was actually looking for a kebaya top online for weeks now, but got this kebaya set at a good price! Rezeki they say :)

Told my mum I got myself a kebaya set, she answered with " Why, they DO sell kebaya in YOUR elephant size?" 
Gosh, killjoy betul mak I ni ye, ppffttt  

Satisfied with my purchases today, yeah!
However, still not done yet with things to buy before going home this Friday, yippee!
Need to buy some baju for my brother(s) and spend some time with the Mister tomorrow because I won't be seeing him for 2 weekends. 
He better behaves! 

Til then, have a good last weekend before Syawal knocks on our doors, have a blessed and peaceful week.


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