Sunday, July 27, 2014

hubby and coffee

Was walking back from the Ramadhan bazaar today when I saw a shop signage and did a double take. 

It says "Hubby and Coffee"

Or so I thought. 

It was actually "Hobby and Coffee". 


Kat situ jugak I gelak and shook my head. Imagine if you could actually SHOP for a husband (AND have a refund policy in place :P )

Monday, July 21, 2014

sago gula melaka

You know what I've been craving for, for the past few weeks?

Sago gula Melaka!
(a.k.a sago pudding ;) )

Here's how it looks like, credits to Google images

Or a fancier version of it

Haa.. the above version has got some colourings and garnishing.


Anyways, for the past few weeks I've been searching high and low for it at the Ramadhan bazaars, but surprisingly, no one sells them! I heard that it cools off the body and despite the heat that we've been facing since before Ramadhan, I couldn't find them sold anywhere, well, unless if I have them ordered at restaurants (read : Madam Kwan's). But, takkan la kan. Nanges la pergi Madam Kwan's just to order sago gula Melaka. 

So today, I nekad to make sago gula Melaka on my own. I saw a cooking show doing a demo on how to make one sometime last week, so I guess it's a sign that I should make one for myself :P Actually it was very simple. Heee. I just needed the little sago, santan (coconut milk), gula Melaka (palm sugar) and pandan leaves. You can get the step-by-step guide here. I ran out of pandan leaves in my house, so mine didn't smell as good as they should've been, but it's okay 'cos they taste awesome :)) Anything with santan is of course awesome la  >.<

That was what I had for my buka puasa, aside from Keknul's chocolate cake. Felt so contented that I finally get to make something that I love eating, on my own. I gotta start being busy in the kitchen la kan. Cooking might just be something I could fall in love with!


Sunday, July 13, 2014

to be a better person

If there is anything I did in my entire life that I regret deeply, the biggest thing would be living my adult life in ignorance and spending time entertaining and being entertained by worldly amazement. Living in sins. 



The chase for one thing after another; good grades, good income, good material possession, good boyfriend, good husband. 

Illusion that is crafted to deviate us servants from preparing ourselves from the only goal we need to chase and prepare for; the Judgement Day. 

My life was never about how to survive this illusion. Never.

Every time I think back about how I was before,  I feel so ashamed and so wasted. Sometimes I hate myself for that. The years that I could have done something good for others, the years that I could have build something for myself (and for my future family, insyaAllah). 

The years that I won't get back :'(

I just hope He forgives all of my sins. I have a lot of them. A lot :((

Please forgive me if I've offended any of you through my posts. I am still learning and trying to be a better version of myself, everyday.

I love Islam because of that. 
Because it makes me want to be a better person, every time. There's a verse in the Quran from surah al-Fajr that hit me recently. 

"O reassured soul, return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing to Him" 89:27-28
"Kembalilah kepada Rabb (Tuhan) kamu dalam keadaan redha dan diredhai."

That is the bottom line. Everything that we do, our lifestyle, acts of worship, charity, how we treat others, how we react towards what others has done to us, how we react towards what God has destined for us, it has everything to do with our heart. 

Keep checking our heart and try to be better everyday. 
I hope we will meet in Jannah. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

pray for humanity

Last night before I went to sleep, the last message that I read was, "Let's pray that by Subuh, Gaza is not attacked." Something along the line. 

I woke up this morning with images of lifeless bodies and basically a wrecked city (if it wasn't wrecked enough already).

I am so sad. I am so sad for those who have no one to defend them.

It breaks me even more that the things that I read on my social media this morning was mostly about Germany/Brazil/World Cup/last night's match. 

And I was so .. a bit pissed off. 

I have a lot of things I want to let out. Maybe I'm just too sensitive. 

Please pray for Gaza.

And for Rohingya, Palestine, Jordan, and for those who are deprived of their human rights. 

And also for those who mask their inhumanity and have the guts to brag to the world on their innocence. 

This world is twisted, man.